Saturday, October 6, 2007

Do you want to make your website pretty?

Not everyone has friends like I do, who will shortly be making my blog pretty. (Hint hint, LG.) There's a Computer Consultant company called Langtech that can prettify your blog. It reportedly can also do some pretty nifty things if you have a business - which seems to be what the target audience of Langtech is in the first place.

Langtech can make your blog pretty (HTML, MSQYL, PERL, CGI, Apache, SQL, Oracle, and a whole bunch more anagrams are listed on their site). It can also help you plan how to use the internet to your business' advantage – they claim to be able to develop specifics and plans for putting your ideas on search engines, technical specifications, and existing applications into your appearance on the World Wide Web.

I'm not sure if anyone reads this that actually needs a computer consulting company, or if anyone wants a Real Professional Awesome-looking Layout, but Langtech seems to be an interesting option for business owners looking to expand onto the web. It's based out of New Jersey - so you know that they're good!

1 comment:

cube said...

I'm of two minds about web design. Sometimes I think it's important to worry about the design, but most of the time I think it's content that keeps readers coming back.