Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Another departure from the norm.

Well... maybe not. Psychology also extends to those that are in foster care or in residential facilities; there are a lot of children in this country who don't have a home and don't have a family. Christmas may be spent staring out a window at the cold, just another day, or without being able to get a gift because no one cares. Or perhaps a kid is lucky enough to get placed in a foster home; but raising children, foster or not, is a very expensive endeavor. A lot of parents - again, foster or not - don't have the money to spend on their kids this Christmas.

You can help. Baggage, a foster/adoptive mom, over at Baggage And Bug, wrote an article about a program called "Little Wishes." Go read it - click and help. Make someone's Christmas a little better. You can sort it by category of gifts, by price, whatever you want - it's just an opportunity to help a kid who has a Christmas wish and might not get it without the kindness of strangers.

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