Today is brought to you by Baby Seals! The Humane Society is holding a petition to save Baby Seals. The US House of Representatives passed a resolution to ban baby seal hunting in Canada, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to stop. Signing a petition to help that - and to pledge not to buy seafood products from Canada - will definitely be a start. There's a commercial seal hunt going on for baby seals, and Canada has not as of yet, that I know of, eradicated this hunt.
Harp (pictured) and hooded seals are the targets of this killing - and most of them are babies, less than three months old. I'm POSITIVE that someone besides me is at the very least pissed off and a bit sad about this, if not enraged and sniffly. Come on, people, have a heart - look at that cute little snow-touched face! Imagine the tiny little baby seal wriggling after its mom, squeaking and making seal noises quite happily. You can help that little puffball of white fur grow up and have its own baby seals that will follow in a line down to the water, learning how to dive after fish and chase after birds.
For the love of God, people, the "approved" ways of killing these seals involve guns, wooden clubs, and ICE PICKS. Ice picks! Who the hell kills anything with an ice pick, unless you're stranded on top of an icy, dark mountain, holding on to your guiderope for dear life as the elements converge around you? I think we all might want to get away from the "hey, we're still living in trees and throwing rocks at monkeys!" mentality. Don't kill baby seals just for the sake of having something to hunt. Go to your local grocery store and buy a freaking sandwich. And go sign up to save baby seals, while you're at it.
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