There are some days when you function perfectly fine, to outward viewers. Everything seems as if you're all right, and yet all you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. You go to work, play with your kids, make dinner with your wife and smile while a part of you is in the corner of your mind, shaking. Or, like me, you spend your day playing World of Warcraft so you don't have to think, hug your boyfriend, thankful that he's in your life when you're batsh*t crazy, and dwell on finals week as you sit in your computer chair, staring through the TV because you don't have enough energy to focus your eyes, and wish you could cry.
Sometimes depression isn't the big, self-injurous, screaming and crying sessions. It isn't the "emo" (and boy, do I hate that word - what is wrong with feeling your emotions?!) displays that people are so fond of mocking others for. Sometimes depression is just a day when it feels like the sun can't shine on you because it's raining, deep inside your mind.
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